Tuesday, February 25, 2014

10 Week Appointment!

Matt and I just left our second OB appointment! I had my full exam, and all's  well with the baby and I. We were able to hear the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler- 165 beats/minute!! We thought it sounded fast at week 6 (120 beats/minute), but this week it was galloping even faster. The doctor was able to feel my uterus through my lower stomach and confirmed that the baby is growing at a healthy rate. 

We start our centering program in 2 weeks! This is where we meet and get to know other couples who are also due in the month of September. During our centering meetings, we will meet with the doctor to measure my belly and hear the baby's heartbeat. I'm looking forward to meeting other new, young mothers!

At 20 weeks (the end of April), Matt and I will have our second ultrasound where we will find out the gender. Can't wait!! It was another fun and exciting day in mommy hood! 

1 comment:

  1. Count me in!!!!!
    We've got a date at the end of April!
    XO Mom
