Friday, March 14, 2014

Centering Meeting!

Matt and I had our first centering meeting yesterday afternoon! We got to meet about 10 other people/couples who are expecting a baby in the month of September. At the beginning of our meeting, we had time to weigh ourselves, take our blood pressures and grab a snack. We got to know each other today and spent the majority of the time talking about this and that. The midwives took us into an exam room, one-by-one, to listen for our baby's heart beat. It was 164 beats/minute, pounding away as quickly as it was 2 weeks ago. The midwife was able to see where the baby was located in my uterus before feeling for him/her today. She said that my smaller frame made it easy for her to see which side of my little bump was more "full" than the other. He (or she!) switched sides since we heard his/her heart beat at 10 weeks. Wiggle worm!

After listening for heart beats, the midwives joined us and led a brief discussion about what we should and should not be eating to keep our babies (and ourselves!) as happy and healthy as possible. I read quite a bit of this information in my pregnancy books. We talked about the average amount of weight that is gained throughout pregnancy (30 pounds) and how this weight is distributed throughout the body. When the midwives asked the group how much weight we should expect to gain in breast tissue, Matt yelled out a guess... 10 pounds! 10 pounds?!?! Wishful thinking! :) (The answer was 2 pounds.) 

It was a great first meeting and I think Matt would agree that it's worth a second shot! I have a feeling that we'll be learning quite a bit from one another in these groups, as everyone's pregnancy is unique and has its own story. Here's to hoping that these next four weeks fly by!

Talk to you soon,
A <3

Hello little bump! (11 weeks 6 days)

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