Tuesday, May 6, 2014

20 Week Anatomy Scan!

The big day has finally arrived...we're halfway through our pregnancy (20 weeks)!!

My mom came down last night to join Matt and I for our early morning appointment with the sonographer.  At the anatomy appointment, we confirmed that we're having a healthy, little girl!


She is in the 52nd percentile- a very average-sized baby (just like her mom and dad)!  She weighs 12 oz., so just short of one pound.  Her heart was pounding away at 164 beats/minute, which is faster than it's been lately, likely due to the two glasses of orange juice I drank this morning.  :)  She was wired and wiggling 100 miles per hour.  It took her a little while to simmer down after all of the excitement and I was able to feel her dancing away in my belly the whole way home.  She must be exhausted!  :)
Happy Tuesday!
Momma Stowell

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