Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hello, Baby!

Guess what? We had another snow day today! Incapable of staying home and waiting for our first ultrasound for another minute, I called to see if there was a cancellation at my OBGYN. I called bright and early at 8am and (wouldn't you know it) there was an opening at 9:15! I called Matt, ecstatic, and he answered his phone with an equal amount of enthusiasm. After successfully showering, make-upping, blow drying and dressing, I met Matt at the doctors office.

It was the longest 30 minute wait EVER! I could see my nerves like a reflection in Matt's face. This was the moment of truth. We so badly we're hoping to see a heart beat today. Finally, my name was called and we headed back to begin the ultrasound process.

With another 10 minute wait ahead of us, Matt and I decided to take a photo shoot in the room with the "TURN OFF CELL PHONE" sign. :)

Before to long, we were busted by the nurse midwife! After a few questions, she began the internal ultrasound. Right away, we could see our baby, which looked like a little white bean in a dark black hole. I saw something flickering in the center of the baby. Before she could mention it, I asked "is that the heart beat?" Sure enough it was!! She zoomed in closer to the baby to collect measurements. Based on the measurements, we were a week earlier than expected, which aligned perfectly with the day that we originally thought we had conceived. Our little bean measured in at 6 weeks and 3 days old, changing my due date to September 22! 

Here's a closer look at our little one on his or her first sonogram.

At six weeks, our baby's heart beat was fluttering away at 120 beats per minute! The yolk sac looked healthy and my blood flow was good. I haven't even told you the coolest part yet... Next thing you know, we heard a fast-paced thump thump, thump thump, thump thump! The midwife was able to let us hear the baby's heart beat! This was by far the most incredible part of the entire visit. It was as if the baby knew we were listening in and wanted to tell us that he or she is doing just fine down there. It makes me smile (and cry!) just thinking about it. It was just the reassurance that we were looking for!

After my lab work, we were headed on our way with our complimentary gift bag from the doctors at Augusta Health. It's contents can be seen in the pictures below.

What a wonderful first visit with our baby-to-be! We will see him or her again on February 25, when I'm 10 weeks pregnant. 

As far as pregnancy symptoms go, I'm hanging in there! I'm not physically ill, but I'm nauseous and crampy at times due to my quickly expanding uterus. Water seems to help! Each time I start to feel frustrated, I remind myself of what it all means...that our baby is growing and healthy. A strange, new pregnancy symptom arrived this week...smells! EVERYTHING smells funny to me! I'm smelling things that I've never noticed before, including sweat at the gym, people's gum, and stinky children's sneakers. Everything makes my stomach turn, even things that I used to like to smell like the smell of dinner (especially chicken and leftovers). Hopefully, like my tender ta-tas, this too shall pass!

Love you, my little bean. Keep growing big and strong!


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