Sunday, January 12, 2014

Perfectly, Positively, Pregnant!

Hello, everyone!  Thank you for visiting our blog.  Three days ago, on January 9, 2014, I came home from work and decided to take a pregnancy test.  I wasn't late, I simply didn't get my "gift from mother nature" on the day that I usually do- the 9th day of the month.  After fumbling through the directions for the test, I stepped out of the bathroom to wait for the recommended three minutes (which felt like three hours) of time.  I wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary when I returned, simply a little piece of mind that my "gift" was on it's way.  What I saw, however, was a BIG surprise!

It was the faintest positive, plus sign EVER!  However, in the history of our pregnancy scares, not once had I seen this extra vertical line before.  I raced out of the bathroom and called my husband in hysterics.  He didn't answer!  He was still at work.  Needing to properly freak out and vent, I called my mother.  She talked me down and asked me to send her a picture of the results.  After receiving the image she called me back and reassured me that it was nothing.  This made my heart beat slow down enough to call my husband and deliver the news in a sane fashion.  We decided that we would take one more pregnancy test in the morning the following day.

That evening, I had a terrible time staying asleep!  Something inside of me was shouting "Positive!  Positive!  Positive!"  I put my mind to rest from 10:30-3:45, then shot out of bed.  It was time.  I woke up my husband and we took the second pregnancy test; early in the morning, just like the directions read.  This time, three minutes later, the results were perfectly clear- I was perfectly, positively, pregnant!  After screaming, "Oh my God!  We're going to have a baby!" my husband and I held each other for what felt like a century- soaking it all in.

The weight of such news isn't easy to process!  One extra little line and suddenly our world was turned upside down.  Were we ready?  How will we afford a child?  What will the next nine months entail?  Is the baby healthy?  When did we conceive?  How did this happen?  These were all thoughts that raced through our minds that morning.  Needless to say, we didn't go back to sleep that night.  Instead, we went to work with an equal amount of adrenaline and excitement running through our blood.  We texted each other throughout the day.  "I can't believe it!"  "Baaaaabe!  I'm excited!"  I don't think I've ever been so excited, or so terrified, in my entire life. 

That morning, I called the OBGYN and set up my first appointment.  Based on the first day of my last period, they scheduled an exam for Friday, January 31, 2014.  At this appointment, they will confirm my pregnancy and conduct an internal dating ultrasound.  This procedure will give us a better idea of how far along I really am and provide us with a more definitive due date.  Later that day, Matt and I called our families to let them in on the big news.  We are having a baby!  The news was well received and our loved ones were equally surprised and excited for us.

The next day, I spent some time researching pregnancy diets and made my first trip to the grocery store.  My cart was filled with $150 of whole grain breads and pastas, fortified cereals, fresh greens, fruit, lean meat, dairy products, vitamins and supplements.  Suddenly, in one days time, I went from feeling uncertain and scared to positively elated about the newest addition to our family.  Already, I was experiencing the protectiveness and immeasurable amount of love that a mother feels for her child.  In that moment, I rested my hand below my belly button and spoke to our unborn baby.  "Hey little one.  Please bare with me over the next few months.  This is all very new to me and I want you to know that I'm trying my best.  We already love you and we will do everything to ensure that you're healthy and safe everyday from now until the end of time.  We can't wait to meet you...whoever you might be."

My mind began to wonder "who is this person growing inside of me?"  I hope he or she is talented like my husband.  Passionate like me.  Selfless like my husband.  Driven like me.  Level-minded like my husband.  Bubbly like me.  Adventurous like my husband.  Confident like me.  Patient like my husband.  Brave like me.  But mostly, filled with the love that my husband and I share for life, and one another.  Only time will tell; the adventure begins now!

One Month Pregnant

Love, Mom   

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for the two of you!
    A grand adventure is about to begin!
    Love my Stowells...all 3!
